Minutes for the Berry Forum Committee Meeting
At the Uniting Church on Monday March 2, 2020 at 8.30am

Present: David Carter (Chair), Stuart Coughlan, Garry Broadbridge, John Underwood, David Brawn, Heather Macdonald, James Robinson, Geoff Armstrong, Laurie Watson
Apologies: John Cullity, Mary Beare, Gail Paton

Minutes of the Meeting held 3 February 2020 – Approved.     Actions arising – None

Planning & Development

  • Draft Planning Proposal for 55 Wire Lane –the PP has not yet been sent to the DPE for Gateway assessment.
  • Mananga Homestead DAs – The six accommodation units proposed require a minimum land area of 10 Ha, compared to the actual area of just 1.94 Ha – a variation in excess of 500%.A variation of 20% for Rockfield Park was considered excessive by Council. Approval of such a major non-compliance would effectively make it impossible for Council to refuse any non-compliant proposals for tourist accommodation around Berry, no matter how ugly the design or how oppressing the scale of impact on the owners of neighbouring properties. The correct approach would be for the proponent to apply for a rezoning.
  • 52 Parker Crescent status – many attendees at the Residents Briefing have expressed their concerns at seeing the developer’s consultant sitting with Council staff and seeing the staff defer to him when answering residents’ questions.
  • Council review of Clause 2.8 and TVA controls in the SLEP – staff will present their recommendations at the next Development Committee meeting on 7 April.
  • False statement re TFC number of days – we will advise the Chamber Committee that the subject will be raised at the next Forum meeting if we do not receive a response.

Infrastructure & Facilities

  • Berry amenities upgrade at Apex Park – On track
  • Some residents in the KV Road area have approached the Forum with a request to investigate the possibility of constructing a footpath along that road.
  • Edward St bridge –We will advise Council again that the works are not appropriate for Berry.

Shoalhaven Solar Farm – Good progress is being made with planning for the Shoalhaven Community Solar Farm coordinated by Repower. The DA for the solar farm has now been lodged with Council by Flow Power, a wholesale electricity retailer which is partnering with Repower on the project. 

Meeting closed 10:30 am
Next Committee meeting – 30 March   Next Forum meeting – 9 April