Minutes Berry Forum Committee Meeting
Held at the School of Arts on Monday 28th September 2015 at 10.15am.
Present: Noel Marshall (Chair), Stuart Coughlan, Laurie Watson, Mary Beare, , Bill Rice, Margot Claringbold, James Robinson, John Cullity, John Underwood, Dorothy Hanbridge
Apologies: David Carter, Hania Norman, Marilyn Kellett
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 14 September
The minutes were agreed and approved.
Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan will be the main topic for the next Forum meeting on 8 October. James will introduce Jessica Rippon, Steve Thomson from Locale and Laurie Talbot from SH CCB. We will encourage involvement and identification of interest areas.
The sub-committee will be limited to around six members, with an aim to encourage non-Committee members to nominate. The sub-committee will work closely with Jessica Rippon, who will prepare the brief for the consultants.
Working groups will be established for various interest areas that can be grouped together. It was agreed that each working group should include a Committee member.
We should invite people we believe can contribute, especially from the various groups like Rotary.
ACTION: Stuart to ask Gareth who is responsible in RMS for funding
James to prepare some briefing words to go out with the Forum agenda.
Berry Trails Project (BTP)
Derek Jorgensen has been invited to present Berry Trails Project at next Forum meeting. Can then be linked to Strategic Plan
ACTION: Stuart to confirm Derek Jorgensen’s attendance
RMS and Gerroa Rd
RMS will be changing the speed limit to 80kph on Sept 29 200m north of Beach Rd ACTION: John Cullity to brief Forum on vote to request RMS to extend zone to include Beach Rd intersection
Berry Amenities
Discussion of various options focused on Sites behind Sew & Tell and by service station.
Brad Davis to provide comparison of pros & cons.
Anthony Colfelt to be invited to comment
ACTION: John Underwood to present options to Forum meeting on 8 October
Other Business
- Projector – to check with Council
- Bank Account – to arrange meeting with Bank, David and Stuart
- Venue for Forum meetings – to investigate options (capacity, cost, chairs).
- Council advice of MLAK lock for Apex Park toilet – to respond saying Forum has no objection.
- Council advice on KV Rd line marking – to be held over to next Forum meeting.
Date of Next Committee Meeting: Monday 12, Oct. 10.15am
Meeting closed: 11:55 am