Council is reviewing the Shoalhaven LEP provisions relating to Tourist & Visitor Accommodation and has provided a questionnaire to obtain community feedback.

Here is a  set of recommended answers based on the presentations overwhelmingly endorsed at Forum meetings –

Q5. Do the existing provisions in the LEP 2014 adequately respond to current trends in tourist & visitor accommodation development?
Answer: No, there are significant loopholes that should be addressed

Q6. Is the existing tourist & visitor accommodation group term appropriate or should all specific terms be nominated in the LEP?
Answer: Choose ‘Other’.

If other, please provide an example.
Answer: The group term should be restricted to business & residential zones and removed from rural and environmental zones.

Q7. Should a specific land use term be created for tourist cabins?
Answer: Yes

If Yes, where should tourist cabins be permissible?
Answer: In rural zones, provided a definition and Clause 5.4 controls are also added.

Q8. Is inappropriate tourist development being undertaken in rural and environmental zones?
Answer: Yes

If Yes, what does this look like and how can it be resolved?
Answer: Tourist cabins the size of residences being sited on ridgelines on the escarpment. Applications for hotels and function centres characterised as eco-tourist facilities. Resolve with a local clause in the SLEP.

Q9. Should tourist development in zones RU1 Primary Production and RU2 Rural Landscape, be restricted to just Bed & breakfast accommodation and Farm stay accommodation?
Answer: Yes, it should be restricted, as it is in more than 80% of NSW council LEPs.

Q10. Should eco-tourist facilities be allowed or prohibited in the RU1 and RU2 zones? Allowed? Prohibited?
Answer: Allowed, but only if the number of bedrooms is restricted to 7 or less as it is for Farm stay and Bed & Breakfast accommodation.

Q11. Would a local tourist & visitor accommodation clause in the LEP, specific to Shoalhaven, be helpful? For example – such a clause could relate to scale, design, location, amenity and visual impact.
Answer: Yes

If yes, what key points should the clause address?
Answer: The issues raised by the Berry Forum.

Q12. Does allowing the subdivision of tourist development in rural zones create any issues?
Answer: Yes. Applications for five or more cabins can be used to obtain a sub-division by stealth.

Q13. What key tourist & visitor accommodation controls should be included in the review of Chapter G15: Tourist and Visitor Accommodation of Shoalhaven DCP 2014 to address the current trends in tourism development?
Answer: Controls can only be effective if they are included in the SLEP. DCP ‘Controls’ are perceived only as discretionary guidelines by the L&E Court.