Present: 101 residents & ratepayers plus Guests: Gareth Ward MLA, Mayor Joanna Gash, Clrs. Lynne Kearney, Andrew Guile, Patricia White
Apologies: Councilor John Wells
- Introduction (Noel Marshall)
- Mayor Gash provided an overview of the role of CCBs, the importance of gathering all views of area residents and the important role of CCBs in Council decision-making. She also explained the process that has to occur for the Berry Forum to be formally recognized as a CCB by Council.
- Gareth Ward referred to $25,000 State funding that has been secured for a strategic master plan for Berry.
- Noel explained that, following the previous public meeting on 11 May, sixteen people had nominated to form a Working Group, which met to discuss the composition of an ongoing Committee. The Group decided that Committee membership should reflect a diversification of age, gender and geography. To achieve this, the formation of an Interim Committee for a period of 3 months was the preferred approach.
- Nine nominees for the Interim Committee each provided a thirty-second personal background to the meeting – Noel Marshall, Geoff Murray, Stuart Coughlan, Marilyn Kellett, Mary Beare, Dorothy Hanbridge, Laurie Watson, Bill Rice and Craig Hollway. Three other nominees were unable to attend the meeting – David Carter, Margot Claringbold and James Robinson.
- All twelve nominees for the Interim Committee (IC) were endorsed via a majority show of hands by the meeting.
- How the IC and Berry Forum will operate (Chairman: Geoff Murray)
- Informal meeting style; address issue, not person; respect other peoples opinions.
- Chairman’s role- ensure a quorum; discussion to be relevant, with no individual dominating. Views in support or opposed to be noted. Participation as set out in the Council CCB guidelines.
Activities during the 3-month period –
- Develop a constitution- work in progress
- Develop agenda for monthly meetings
- Handle any council requests
- Coordinate website development
- Coordinate CCB recognition process – expected completion end-July
- Review incorporation process
- Open to the floor for topics of interest
- Forum asked to take responsibility for the notice board in Broughton Court
- Concern expressed that the proposed transfer of council land on Coolangatta Mt to National Parks and Wildlife will exclude access to horse riders. Deadline 24th
- Concern raised about the triangular parcel of land owned by RMS near the corner of George and Albert Streets. Wanted the Forum’s support to have Council take responsibility for the land for community purposes. Garden Club is involved in discussions with Council.
- Request made for Council staff to attend a Forum meeting to explain how they administer the LEP and DCP in assessing development applications
- Suggestion made that the RFS station and proposed ambulance station be located at the Fulton-Hogan site when the bypass is completed
- Concern raised about public access across private land and Council selling off paper roads
- Timing of Forum involvement in a strategic master plan was raised
- Comment was made that a new website and possibly Facebook are important avenues for communication.
- Development Committee meeting on 2 June – Mt Hay DA
- Stuart Coughlan advised that he had spoken against the application (on behalf of over a hundred residents) on the basis of non-compliance with the LEP and DCP
- Patricia White (Chair of the Development Committee) advised that she had proposed a motion to refuse the DA (seconded by Clr. Andrew Guile), noting several serious LEP and DCP non-compliance issues. The motion was supported by 8 councilors, with 2 against. However, the General Manager also voted against, causing the DA to go before a full council meeting on 23 June.
- White provided a status on the approval process for Rockfield Park. Councilors have not yet seen a report from council staff and only have access to what is publicly available on DA tracking. Once Council staff makes a recommendation to the JRPP, the Development Committee can make their own recommendations.
- The CCB part of the meeting closed at 8.35pm
- RMS and Fulton-Hogan (FH) presented an overview of bypass works.
* Subject to SCC approval in July.