Minutes Berry Forum Committee Meeting
Held at the School of Arts on Monday 18th April 2016 at 10.15am.

Present: David Carter (Chair), Stuart Coughlan, Margot Claringbold, Marilyn Kellett, Dorothy Hanbridge, Bill Rice, John Underwood
Apologies: Laurie Watson, John Cullity, James Robinson, Hania Norman, Mary Beare

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 4 April – Approved

Actions Arising from the Minutes
– Margo to draft letter to Allan Blackshaw of SCC Access Committee – Action pending
– School of Arts works- Dorothy confirmed that the federal grant would be held over.
– Protocols for use of the Forum email distribution list were discussed and will be reviewed at the next Committee meeting.

Review of Forum meeting held on 14 April
– The content of all the presentations was considered to be relevant and interesting.
– The standard of the presentations and the timekeeping was excellent.

Strategic Plan Update
The next Town Crier article will include the Key Themes which emerged from the resident surveys. The Key Themes and the Project Timeline will also be put on the Noticeboard.

DAs for Mt Hay and 23 Strongs Road

  • Both DAs are for farm stay accommodation, but are seeking permissibility under the description of ‘tourist and visitor accommodation’. It was agreed that Council would be asked to provide evidence from the applicant that the tourist cabins would be a secondary business.
  • At the L&E Court hearing on 2 May, David will speak for the Committee supporting councillors’ refusal of the Mount Hay DA.

Other Business
The untidy cardboard signs along Queen St advertising the fruit stall at the BP Station were discussed.
       Action: John Underwood to seek Council’s input

Future meetings at the School of Arts 10:15 am
– 9 & 30 May, 20 June (Forum 9 June)

Meeting closed 11:50 am.