Draft Minutes of the Berry Forum Meeting
Held 8 June 2023, 7:30pm at the Uniting Church Hall

Present: 84 attendees, including councillors Serena Copley, Mathew Norris, and Tonia Gray
Apologies: Clrs Patricia White and John Wells

Welcome and Introduction – Ian Hendry (Chair)
Minutes of the meeting held 16 March: Approved

Correspondence:  On Forum website

Queen St 40km/h zone & crossings
A Council presentation was made by Michael Berzins.
Residents concerns about the Council proposal were not answered and the data that was provided to support Councils recommendation was not justified.
The majority or those who attended supported The Berry Forums proposal.

24/7 Fast Food Store/ Service station
Council’s legal advice appears to support the legal opinion provided by the Forum. The deferred commencement date for the original DA has lapsed and the owner of the site Peregrine will most likely submit a new DA.

Agritourism provisions – Gareth Ward will be presenting a Bill to Parliament proposing amendments to the agritourism planning provisions that is supported by The Greens.

Limiting short term rental accommodation impacts
David Lehrman, a Berry resident, advised that Council now has a website page for reporting complaints, but residents are still very concerned about insufficient mechanisms to control properties. Residents complaining are passed from Fair Trading to the police and from there back to Council. Tonia Gray presented on measures being used or considered in other States.

Multi dwelling DA for 23 Parker Crescent
Rod Eagle, whose house adjoins the site, spoke about the overdevelopment proposed and the main failures to comply with the DCP, such as the front setback which is less than any other dwelling in the street and the parking issues relating to the tight corner of the road. 

Footpaths plan for Berry
Laurie Watson spoke to Council’s current plan for footpaths in Berry over the long term. The proposed priorities are Kangaroo Valley Road and a footpath from Huntingdale through to Kangaroo Valley Rd by the cemetery. Any work is subject to Council funding priorities.

Meeting Closed 9:15 pm
Next Forum Meeting: 14 September