Minutes for the Berry Forum Committee Meeting
At the Uniting Church on Monday 4 September 2017 at 10.15am.
Present: David Carter (Chair), Stuart Coughlan, John Underwood, Dorothy Hanbridge,
Margot Claringbold, Bill Rice, David Brawn, Laurie Watson.
Apologies: James Robinson, Marilyn Kellett, and John Cullity
Minutes of Meeting held 14 August: Approved. No actions arising.
Town Centre (Bill)
Considering survey/questionnaire regarding safety issues for Queen Street post-bypass. Possible lowering of speed limit to 40kph and adding a pedestrian crossing. Committee will review draft questionnaire.
Action: Bill to prepare letter regarding safety issues to SCC Traffic Committee.
Action: Stuart to alert RMS to safety concerns re traffic and pedestrian flow on Queen St.
Action: John U to conduct online survey
Infrastructure & Facilities (Laurie)
Demand for additional toilet facilities is being driven by increasing tourist numbers.
Council will make the final decision on location and the Forum can communicate community preferences.
We will organise a vote at the next Forum Meeting and advise the community via the Town Crier and email. The four options are –
- Eastern end of Broughton carpark
- In Alexandra St by the Park
- Extend existing Alexandra St facility
- Upgrade Apex Park facility
Action: Stuart to prepare Town Crier article.
Council’s Capital Works Budget shows no funding for this year, but $200,000 in 2018/19.
Action: Stuart to seek clarity from Council.
Sustainability (David B)
David is one of the 5 community representatives on the SCC Sustainability Futures Committee.
SCC has signed up to participate in the Cities Power Partnership Pledges.
The Committee has partnerships with other councils and encourages other CCB’s to establish Sustainability Review Groups. Supporting through allowing access to websites.
Coffee shop survey – SRG will be conducting a survey of businesses that offer takeaway disposable coffee cups to investigate what options are available to reduce their use.
AGM- Chairman’s Report, Financials, Election of Forum Committee
Committee nomination process
Forum members to be emailed on 17 September with an invitation to nominate by 1 October.
Next Committee meeting –25 September
Next Forum Meeting – 12 October (AGM)
Meeting closed: 12:10