Minutes for the Berry Forum Committee Meeting
At the Uniting Church on June 18 2018 at 10.15am.

Present: David Carter (Chair), Stuart Coughlan, David Brawn, John Cullity, Gail Paton, Margot Claringbold and Mary Beare
Apologies: Laurie Watson, John Underwood, James Robinson, Marilyn Kellett and Garry Broadbridge

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 4 June: Approved
Actions arising from the Minutes:
Equestrian Centre – Susan Edwards, Community & Recreation Manager at Council has advised that the business plan is not a public document. We will respond and ask what is intended or feasible for the Centre going forward.

Review of June 14 Forum meeting – noted.

Response from Anthony Houghton to David’s email
Notice Board: Committee members expressed their concerns about the changes made to what had been agreed at the prior meeting but, in the spirit of cooperation, agreed that we would move the Forum notices to the Milkwood side of the notice board and share it with Berry-based ongoing community association notices (with contact details).
Tourist Accommodation LEP Loophole – Committee members agreed that it was not appropriate to address an individual’s personal concerns in responding to the Chamber.
Action: David C will respond to Chamber

Planning & Development

  • Bangalee Motel – Council is reviewing traffic issues and this may take until the end of July.
  • S96 Amendment for Huntingdale Park – When it is lodged there will arrange a Forum meeting for residents to discuss issue with the developer and hopefully Council.
  • NSW has legislated change to the low-rise medium density code in NSW for R1, R2, R3 and RU5 zones. It comes into effect in July and Council has applied for a 12-month delay to allow time to review issues related to characterization. 

Infrastructure & Facilities

  • Three kerb ramps have been installed by Council as we requested
  • Alexandra St footpath – costs will be split between Council and BCAC and work will commence very soon.   Action: Stuart to contact Council regarding payment


  • Tree pruning under power lines is undertaken by Endeavor Energy, but is sub-contracted. Council has a plan to remove and replant trees under power lines, but there is no funding. Kelly Clark informed David that Parks arborists handle for maintenance of other street trees.
  • NRMA-EV – Amelia Starr has advised that NRMA are reviewing feasibility of two private and two public sites and would be back in contact about community consultation shortly. 

Incorporation – Deferred until next meeting

Council Matters

  • District Park – Liliana will present at the next Forum meeting on the detailed design, which should be completed by the end of July.
  • CCB meeting feedback – Deferred until next meeting

Other Business
Gail will monitor the Berry Facebook page and advise on any issues arising.
We will discuss how we are reaching/ representing the broader community at the next meeting.

Next Committee meetings – 9 July, 13 August
Next Forum meeting – 16 August
Meeting closed 12pm