Minutes for the Berry Forum Committee Meeting
Held at the School of Arts on Monday 28th November 2016 at 10.15am.
Present: David Carter (Chair), Stuart Coughlan, Laurie Watson, Hania Norman, Bill Rice, John Underwood, David Brawn, Dorothy Hanbridge, Mary Beare, Margot Claringbold Marilyn Kellett, John Cullity, James Robinson
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 7 November – Approved
Strategic Plan Focus Areas
- It was agreed that members of focus areas are expected to take an independent view across range of design issues that reflect the wishes of the broader Berry community.
- The Berry Trails Project is a very significant initiative sponsored by the Chamber and the Forum Committee will provide communications support.
- Cycle and walking paths will now be included under Focus Area #3, which will cover the town centre and connections to surrounding areas, and interface to the Trails Project where it connects to the town.
- The Berry District Park project will now become Focus Area #2. It will also potentially interface with the Trails Project.
- Draft Terms of Reference for Focus Areas #3 and #5 are under review.
- The Chamber is being contacted about canvassing membership for Focus Area #1 Town Centre.
Action: Stuart to contact Derek Jorgensen to explain the above changes.
Action: David B and Laurie to circulate TORs for comment by BFC members
Berry District Park
- Following two constructive meetings with Rotary, terms of reference for the new Berry District Park Review Group (DPRG) have been agreed.
- The Committee supported the nomination of James to chair the DPRG. Clr. John Wells has accepted the invitation to be Vice-Chair and Kate Ryan will represent Council staff.
- John U and David B will be members of the DPRG, and nominations will be sought for the 8-10 membership.
Action: Stuart to contact Mayor Findley re TOR and procedure for Council endorsement.
Agenda for Forum meeting on 8 December
– Fulton Hogan update (Shannon)
– District Park presentations by Rotary & sports groups (James to introduce)
– Focus Area Sub-Committees status (David C)
– Berry Trails Project update (Derek Jorgensen)
– George St garden status (Margaret Street)
Xmas Drinks & Nibbles – 6.45pm
Action: Mary to co-ordinate nibbles. David C to bring beer. Stuart to bring wine, water and donations basket..
Other Business
– We will have a Highway petition for signing at the Forum meeting. It is to be completed by 12 December.
– Council’s rates increase proposal will be distributed with the agenda for the Forum meeting.
Next Committee meetings – Mondays 19 Dec; 9 Jan; 30 Jan at School of Arts
Next Forum dates – 9 Feb, 27 April
Meeting closed at 12:30