Minutes for the Berry Forum Committee Meeting
At the Uniting Church on Monday 19th June 2017 at 10.15am.
Present: James Robinson (Chair), Stuart Coughlan, Dorothy Hanbridge, John Cullity, Marilyn Kellett, Margot Claringbold, Bill Rice, David Brawn, Hania Norman, Laurie Watson. Apologies: David Carter, Mary Beare, John Underwood
Minutes of Meeting held 29 May: Approved. No actions arising.
Review of Forum meeting on 8 June
Concerns have been raised that no notice was provided to the Forum about the motion proposing for a vote on a public meeting for the Bangalee development application.
District Park (James)
- Council has been asked to officially adopt the endorsed Master Plan.
- It’s anticipated that the Detailed Design phase could take up to twelve months to complete.
- It was agreed that the Review Group should continue, but that it would operate more efficiently in the next phase if its size was reduced to around four or five members.
- Concerns about the siting of the proposed toilet block are being taken seriously and will be addressed with Council during the Detailed Design phase.
Town Centre (Bill)
- Aim to hold an internal workshop in two weeks time to create conceptual plans.
- It was agreed that we should adopt a ‘wait and see’ approach to the impacts of the Bypass.
- The need for footpath connectivity from the District Park to the town centre was endorsed by Ben Stewart at the Councillor Tour meeting on Friday 16 June.
Infrastructure & Facilities (Laurie)
- The email concerning the possibility of a footpath along Kangaroo Valley Road was discussed. The Alliance has rated it as the highest priority in the town, but the significant scale of the project will require a major investment.
- Potential sites for a new toilet block were discussed and issues included opening hours, safety concerns and the feasibility of an external addition to the SofA building. Action: Laurie and Bill to meet with Council to discuss
- We will consider approaching the BCAC to assist with funding of kerbs.
Sustainability (David B)
- A website presence is being considered and hosting /content is under review.
- A farmers’ market has been discussed, but is not considered feasible at this stage.
- Ways of reducing the usage of take-away coffee cups are being considered.
Other Business
- We need to develop a means of tracking progress on implementing Strategic Plan initiatives
- We will look to file all documentation electronically.
- The Stop sign configuration at Victoria St/George St crossroad will be reviewed after the Bypass has opened and traffic movements settle down.
Next Committee meeting – 7 August at the Uniting Church
Meeting closed 12:15 pm