Draft Minutes for the Berry Forum Meeting & Special General Meeting
Held 12 December 2024 7:30pm at the Uniting Church Hall


Present: 62 people attended, including Mayor Patricia White and Cl Matthew Norris
Apologies: Deputy Mayor Peter Wilkins

Welcome and Introduction: Ian Hendry (Chair)
Minutes from meeting held on 17 October 2024: Approved

Mayor’s Briefing
Updates on Councils plans, application to IPART for special rates variation (SRV), establishment of Finance Review Panel, a Policy on how to work with community groups on community projects.

The Mayor explained the reasons for the recission motion to not adopt the interim Character Statements developed by RobertsDay and said a media release would be issued.

Hotel DA LEC hearing
Stuart explained the topics that speakers would cover at the hearing and Judith referred to the amended plans.

Rates Increase Options
Stuart spoke to some of Council’s key financial issues, including investment in the Materials Recovery Facility, and the three options for the SRV, which will be discussed at next Council meeting.

Community Engagement Strategy (CES)
The CES is on public exhibition and Stuart outlined its structure and what it covers.

Berry HCA/DCP update
Catherine Barlow referred to the Planning Proposal Council has just submitted for a new Princess St HCA that would link the Town Centre and Showground HCAs. The HCAs would work with the proposed DCP for ‘old’ Berry to reinforce town’s overall character (similar to Milton).

Special General Meeting
The March 2023 Forum meeting decision to hold regular meetings quarterly, and special meetings as required, was ratified by a vote to amend the constitution. There was almost unanimous support, with three abstentions and no votes against.

Meeting closed 8:45 pm.  Next Forum Meeting – 6 March