Minutes for the Forum Committee Meeting
Monday 28 October 2024 8.15am at the Uniting Church
Present: Ian Hendry (Chair), Stuart Coughlan (Secretary), Laurie Watson (Treasurer), Peter Saul, Robyn Baxendale, Judith Ball, John Jeston, David Brawn, Keith Brodie
Apologies: Emanuele Rattazzi, Gail Paton, Mary Beare, John Morgan
Minutes of Meeting held on 14 October 2024: Approved
Actions arising from Minutes: None
Forum Meeting on 17 October
Very positive feedback has been received on the presentations and chairing of the meeting.
Amendment to Constitution
Notice has been provided of a special general meeting to be held on 12 December.
Complaint to the CEO about Clr Norris accusations
The Committee agreed to write to the CEO in support of the Forum Secretary.
Committee membership
The change in membership of the Committee and the nomination process was discussed.
Council Meeting on 28 October
Relevant agenda items were discussed briefly.
Berry Hotel RA23/1002
Next steps – respond to Feros email; meeting with Megan and neighbours; inform previous objectors; crowdfunding; oral submissions at Court onsite hearing 13 Dec.
Mischaracterisation of tourist cabins
Proposed approach will be discussed with James Ruprai on 1 November.
Chamber of Commerce
John J will ask the Chamber Committee for their views on a suitable recipient of the donated defibrillator unit. The Beery Mosaic & Art Trail project has been formally supported by the Chamber.
Forum Meeting on 12 December
The Committee agreed with hosting pre-Christmas drinks before the meeting.
Berry Flood Action
David spoke to a status update circulated to the Committee from John Morgan.
Berry RFS shed
Keith briefed the Committee on the need for a larger building to house a new fire truck, and the involvement of Council and the RFS head office.
Meeting closed 9.45am
Next Committee meeting – 18 November. Next Forum meeting – 12 December