Minutes Berry Forum Committee Meeting
Held at the School of Arts on Monday 16th November 2015 at 10.15am.
Present: David Carter (Chair), Noel Marshall, Stuart Coughlan, Mary Beare, James Robinson, John Underwood, Dorothy Hanbridge, Laurie Watson, Hania Norman
Apologies: Margot Claringbold, Bill Rice, John Cullity, Marilyn Kellett
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 26 October – Approved
Actions arising from Minutes
Microphone and speakers – Peter Spillane has agreed to provide for Forum meetings.
Insurance – Council to provide clarification to all CCBs
Council Maintenance request – Stuart to send out link for Forum members
Strategic Plan – Update and next steps
The Sub-Committee will have a workshop with Council on 17 Nov to establish a timeline, process and engagement of consultants.
Keith Pepper has been appointed project manager to report on $50,000 budget spend.
Sub-committee will submit budget proposals to the Managing Committee for approval.
Bill Rice was elected minute secretary.
Action: James to do short presentation at Forum Meeting on Dec 10th
Major Projects status – Mt Hay Rd and Rockfield Park
Mt Hay Rd – although Councillors voted to refuse the application, the applicants have indicated they will appeal to the Land & Environment Court.
Rockfield Park- Councillors voted unanimously to refuse the application and the JRPP also voted 4 to 1 to refuse.
Feedback from CCB meeting held on 11 November
Stuart, Marilyn and Dorothy attended. The CCB Guidelines will be revised.
Presentations at Forum meeting on 10 December (10 minutes each)
Mt Hay and Rockfield Park decisions (Clr. Patricia White)
Berry Cemetery, application for Heritage listing (June Robson, Historical Society).
Berry Trails project, update on progress (Derek Jorgensen)
Strategic Plan update (James)
Other Business
- Agreed that we will have drinks at the Forum meeting (Xmas and 6 month anniversary of Forum) 6:45-7:30; donations to cover wine (Action: Stuart to prepare draft Agenda)
- Bank account has been opened with $1000 cheque from the Alliance.
- We will discuss a budget and ideas for fund raising at next meeting (Action: Laurie)
- Margaret Street has requested the Forum’s support to have the George Street parcel of land included in Berry Park, to assist with the transfer of land from RMS to Council. Request to Council to be circulated to Committee. (Action: Stuart)
- Council to be followed up re holding budget for toilets (Action: Stuart)
- Noel submitted his resignation from the Committee as he will no longer be a resident of Berry. Committee members thanked Noel for his contributions and wished him well.
- Poisoning of grass around duck pond. (Action: Dorothy to lodge complaint on Council website.)
- Notice Board: Agenda to go up for 10 Dec Forum meeting. Include a statement about the Forum – who we are. (Action: Stuart/John U.)
Next Meeting 30 November at 840 Princess Hwy (Hania’s place) 10:15am
Meeting closed at 11:25am