Minutes Berry Forum Committee Meeting
Held at 165c Bong Bong Rd. on Monday 14th March 2016 at 10.15am.
Present: David Carter (Chair), Stuart Coughlan, Margot Claringbold, Bill Rice, Mary Beare Laurie Watson, John Cullity, Marilyn Kellett. Apologies: James Robinson, John Underwood, Hania Norman, and Dorothy Hanbridge
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 15 February- Approved
Actions Arising from Minutes
– Margot to draft letter to Allan Blackshaw of SCC Access Committee regarding corner access ramps.
– We agree to share our side of notice board with Chamber of Commerce. At next meeting discuss with John U. what is needed to improve use of the notice board.
Agenda Items for Forum meeting on 14 April
- Venue: Pavilion at Showground Action: John to confirm booking with Warwick and organize air conditioning.
- Fulton Hogan presentation – Shannon Chisholm, 15 mins plus Q&A.
- Strategic Plan update – James, 10 minutes plus Q&A.
- Berry Trails Project update – Derek, 5-10 mins. He will bring posters of the proposed routes plans. This is a Chamber of Commerce project. Stuart and James will meet with Derek to discuss presentation and time limits.
- Council suspension of recycling buy-back at Berry Tip – Margret Street has raised concerns about possible permanent closure. Margaret to be invited to speak.
- SES Presentation –Stuart to contact ESE rep to discuss presentation.
Strategic Plan
The Committee supported the recommendation from the Sub-Committee to endorse the appointment of ‘Locale Consulting ‘
Action: Bill to send recommendation to Stuart, for forwarding to SCC.
Action: Bill to draft article on Strategic Plan for Town Crier and send to Stuart
Mount Hay DA
– L&E Court hearing is on Monday/Tuesday 2/3 May.
– Department of Planning reveral of advice on land Use permissibility
Action: David to write to Minister expressing Committee’s concerns over undermining of LEP
Other Business
– Toilets: Council update from Brad Davis confirms that $200,000 funding will be held over until a suitable location is agreed.
– Litter bins communication from Council noted.
– School of Arts roof repairs and new kitchen.
Action: Stuart to request status update from Council
Future meetings
– 4 & 18 April (Forum 14 April)
– 9 & 30 May
– 20 June (Forum 9 June)
Meeting closed 12:05