Amendments to the Queen Street design
- Bistro roof lowered to align with the hotel eave (821mm)
- Pergola aligned with the hotel awning
- Queen Street set-back increased by 30mm
- Accessible entry has changed (more circuitous, via outdoor dining area)
Amendments to the Accommodation Block
- reduction in height of 1m
- reduction in width of 936mm
- street setback unchanged
- two less accommodation rooms (33 to 31)
- gabled pitched roof, changed building materials and facade
Amendments to Service Vehicle Route
- Service vehicle rout is entering and exiting via the Kangaroo Valley entry/exit, irrespective of their onward journey.
- All trucks will drive both up and back along Queen Street
- The amended plans do not appear to support events-hire vehicles such as a 22 seater mini bus entering the site
Updated Noise report
- Live music was assessed as a 2-piece band
- During live music, all windows and doors should remain closed
- Live music should only be located in the sports bar or bistro/dining pavilion
- Lounge bar and bistro windows & doors may be open 7am – 10pm
- Modifications are minimal
- Reductions to overall bulk and scale are minimal
- Impacts to amenity remain
- Traffic and noise impacts remain
- Heritage impacts slightly reduced – impacts to HCA & streetscape remain
- Parking remains a problem