Minutes Berry Forum Committee Meeting
Held at Mananga, 40A Princes Highway on Monday 15th February 2016 at 10.15am.
Present: David Carter (Chair), Stuart Coughlan, Hania Norman, Margot Claringbold, John Underwood, Bill Rice, Mary Beare. Apologies: Laurie Watson, John Cullity, Marilyn Kellett, Dorothy Hanbridge, James Robinson
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 1 February- Approved
Review of Forum meeting held on 11 February
– Venue: a few issues to resolve, but adequate for our purposes.
– Fulton Hogan presentation: the content was considered to be relevant and interesting and well presented by Shannon Chisholm
– Council Merger update: a valuable presentation by Clr. John Wells which provided an interesting and relevant insight into the workings of the Joint Organisation and the importance of Shoal Water.
Strategic Plan Update
- The tender for the Consultant has closed.
- Residents Survey- the aim is to engage with residents both electronically and via a letter drop. The survey is being given to businesses and workers as well as FH.
- Want to generate as many ideas as possible, which will be taken into workshops for the development of the SP.
- The next Town Crier article will include a half-page ad ‘Have you had your say’.
Mt Hay – L&E Court status
It was agreed that Council staff had not acted appropriately in their assessment of the application and their actions had undermined the LEP. The Committee will continue to support councillors’ refusal of the DA through the provision of evidence to the L&E Court.
Other Business
Street corners requiring disabled access -Margo estimates that 23 corners are in need of disabled access. David suggested we contact Disability Australia to ask for their advice on how best to make street corners accessible. And to seek their support.
Action: Margo to contact Disability Australia
Resident survey respondents have been added to the Forum email list, which has now reached 440.
A discussion was held regarding the number of untidy cardboard signs along Queen St advertising a fruit stall at the BP Station. The signs have been in place since before Christmas. Shop owners have to obtain DA approval for signs on the footpath.
Action: John Underwood to seek Council’s input
The Committee agreed there was a need to develop a street map of Berry, identifying toile, ATMs, the museum and other important locations. Further discussion on a list of facilities to be included is to be held at our next meeting.
Action: John Underwood to see if Anthony can provide a map with basic information.
Next Meetings – To be held at Mananga on 14 March and 4 April at 10:15.