Berry District Park – Time to have Your Say.
Council has agreed to the establishment of the District Park Review Group (DPRG), a joint initiative between Council and the Berry Forum. It will be chaired by James Robinson, who is Vice-Chairman of the Forum, and Vice-Chair Clr. John Wells.
It is important to note that the role of the DPRG is not to determine or dictate the outcomes for the District Park project, but rather to be impartial in facilitating the wishes of the broader community, acknowledging that from time to time compromise outcomes may be required. The agreed Terms of Reference for the DPRG are attached.
Council has agreed to a significant expansion of the nature based adventure playground proposed by the Rotary Club of Berry. At present, the Master Plan only allocates the small paddock in front of the skatepark (the previous dog off-leash area) to the playground.
The expansion will potentially result in a significant reduction in the size of the proposed additional sporting fields however, or even their complete removal.
The District Park will be a major feature of the Berry township in the future and the project will be a substantial undertaking requiring the investment of millions of dollars.
The Forum is now seeking expressions of interest for membership of the DPRG. Members will be expected to take an independent view across range of design issues that reflect the wishes of the broader Berry community. If you wish to participate, please email the Forum by 12 December.
The Forum Committee will ensure that the community is kept informed, starting with an information session at the Forum meeting on Thursday 8 December.