Minutes of the Berry Forum Meeting
Held on 17 August 2017 7:30pm at the School of Arts, Berry
Present: 57 attendees. Apologies: John Wells and Patricia White
Welcome (James Robinson, Chair of Meeting))
Minutes from meeting held 21st June 2017 – Approved
Berry Bypass Update (Ryan Whiddon, RMS)
- Shannon Chisholm of Fulton Hogan was unable to attend as he has moved to assist with another project needing his skills in Sydney.
- Over the next few weeks work will focus on the new roundabout at the junction of Woodhill Mountain Road and Queen Street, and the link road between Kangaroo Valley Road and Victoria Street. Work will then start on the new roundabout at the junction of Kangaroo Valley Road and Queen Street. Information on traffic diversions will be posted on the Forum website.
- A question was asked about the possibility of signage for travellers who miss the turn-off for Berry travelling north, to let them know that they can turn back at Tindalls Lane. RMS will investigate.
- Ryan introduced Michael Phillips-Ryder, who is Fulton Hogan’s Project Director. Michael thanked the Berry community for its patience and understanding since the project commenced.
Berry District Park (James Robinson)
- Council has officially adopted the endorsed Master Plan, which is now on display on Council’s website. Clr. John Wells has secured funding for detailed design work, which includes landscape design, land survey, feasibility analysis and delivery plan.
- Discussions with North St residents have identified their main points of concern as being the final form of the carpark and the siting of the toilet facilities.
- The bike/footpath will open once the KV interchange is completed.
Town Centre (Bill Rice)
The Town Centre Review Group is working on the Strategic Plan focus area – ‘Develop an inviting Town Centre that highlights Berry’s atmosphere and appeal’. Bill described the areas that the Review Group is discussing and noted that a settling-in period after completion of Bypass works was essential before any suggestions for significant changes could be considered. Details of the TCRG coverage can be found on the Forum website.
Discussion on potential sites for additional public toilets (Geoff Armstrong)
Potential sites for additional public toilets were discussed. Council is being consulted to assess the ‘buildability’ of each site, prior to information being distributed to the community. A community petition containing 325 signatures has been received opposing the siting of a toilet facility adjacent to Alexandra St Park.
General Business
- The community ‘pop-up’ library will be open Tuesdays & Fridays 10am-1pm and Wednesdays 1pm-4pm.
- The Land & Environment Court’s decision on Rockfield Park is still pending.
- Council advise the revised plans for the Bangalee Motel DA are expected soon.
- Council has written to residents about replacement options for the timber bridge in Edward St. The Forum will follow up with Council to understand how they will make a decision on replacement.
- A question was asked about communications from the Berry Trails Project. The Forum has followed up by arranging a meeting between the Project and affected landowners to be chaired by Clr. John Wells.
Meeting closed at 8:40 pm
Next Forum Meeting on 12 October at 7.30pm will include the Forum AGM.