Draft Minutes for the Forum Committee Meeting
Monday 18th November 2024 8.15am at the Uniting Church
Present: Ian Hendry (Chair), Stuart Coughlan (Secretary), Laurie Watson (Treasurer), Peter Saul, Robyn Baxendale, Judith Ball, David Brawn, Emanuele Rattazzi, Mary Beare, John Morgan
Apologies: Gail Paton, Keith Brodie and John Jeston
Minutes of Meeting held on 28 October 2024: Approved
Actions arising from Minutes: None
Council Updates
Financial Review Panel community members have been appointed.
Funding of new material resource facility in West Nowra under review
Berry Hotel RA23/1022
Submissions total is 360 objections and 3 in support; Judith and Stuart met with Megan an around 20 neighbours; Community donations have exceeded $7,000.
The Committee agreed to offer reimbursement of costs to John and Cassandra.
Speakers for 13 Dec. onsite Court hearing to be agreed. Need to cover height, devaluation of surrounding properties, larger trucks needing to park on streets and tour bus parking.
Action: Judith and Stuart to approach Durkin and Jonker to speak.
Mischaracterisation of tourist cabins: Noted
Proposed approach discussed with James Ruprai
Swimming Pool:
Petition, for not decreasing hours. Stuart has requested the group draft a Notice of Motion.
Possible recipients of the donated AED: Suggestions of IGA/School
Forum Meeting on 12 December
Pre-Christmas drinks- Laurie to organise wine and beer. Mary to circulate nibbles requests:
Special General Meeting 12 December
The March 2023 Forum meeting decision to hold regular meetings quarterly, and special meetings as required will be ratified by a vote to amend the constitution.
Berry Flood Action: status pending next meetin
Chamber of Commerce: status pending next meeting
Berry DCP and HCA
Follow up with the Mayor. John helping BHS develop an education plan on the HCA.
Meeting closed: 9:30
Next Committee meeting – 9 Dec 2024
Next Forum meeting – 12 December 2024 7pm Drinks then 7:30pm meeting start.